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Redefining the Construction Industry | David Thorne, CEO of Construction Management Pros

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Construction Management Pros Construction Management Pros CEO David Thorne

David Thorne, the CEO of Construction Management Pros, joins Garrett Clark for this episode of the Silicon Slopes Show. They talk about nightmare contractor stories and overcoming this industry stereotype by focusing on the client experience. David's crew uses an unconventional method, which is to do most of the work during the design phase, and as such, this eliminates many of the tricky elements that typically give construction a bad reputation. By answering as many questions as possible upfront, not only do clients feel assured that they will be taken care of, but the construction work moves along with ease without room for guess work. They also talk about construction management and working with clients on custom projects using technology. Tune in to learn more! "How do you ensure that your employees are heard and taken care of and loved? Because at the heart of every business are people and people are the most important thing that we can do. The only way we're going to elevate in Utah and in building a better Utah is directly through relationships with our people."

Construction Management Pros

Construction Management Pros is a team of dream builders, legacy creators, and detail obsessors who believe in providing the highest-quality professional experience from start to finish.

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